gray_hat Posted December 4, 2007 Share Posted December 4, 2007 The story that reached the front page of Digg got me started. I have been looking for it in my spare time, but dove back into /System/Library/CoreServices/ and took another look at some of the files in there. I took a different approach this time, and looked at each file individually using Cover Flow and Quick Look. What caught my eye was DockMenus.plist, specifically the parts that list the menu items for a filestack (file-stack) (not to be confused with a directory stack, what we get when we drag items into the dock). This is the information found under the filestack portion: "/System/Library/CoreServices/" : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>command</key> <integer>4000</integer> <key>filestack</key> <array> <dict> <key>command</key> <integer>1004</integer> <key>name</key> <string>REMOVE_FROM_DOCK</string> </dict> <dict> <key>command</key> <integer>2000</integer> <key>separator</key> <true/> </dict> <dict> <key>command</key> <integer>4000</integer> <key>name</key> <string>RENAME_STACK</string> </dict> </array> <key>name</key> <string>RENAME_STACK</string> <key>separator</key> <true/> <key>{ command = 1004; name = "REMOVE_FROM_DOCK"; }</key> <dict> <key>command</key> <integer>1004</integer> <key>name</key> <string>REMOVE_FROM_DOCK</string> </dict> <key>{ command = 2000; separator = 1; }</key> <dict> <key>command</key> <integer>2000</integer> <key>separator</key> <true/> </dict> <key>{ command = 4000; name = "RENAME_STACK"; }</key> <dict> <key>command</key> <integer>4000</integer> <key>name</key> <string>RENAME_STACK</string> </dict> </dict> </plist> (Here is a pic of what it looks like in Pref Setter: ) In addition, if you use (or used rather) the terminal strings command on the actual Dock executable (~/Desktop/ back during the beta, you could get a list of file "tile" types. If my memory serves me correctly, back in 9a559, filestack-tile was among them. (I believe that this was the way the recents-tile was discovered) I have tried simply creating a filestack-tile using the terminal (which I am quite bad with) and Pref Setter (not too bad with), but I believe the problem lies in the fact that both times I have given the Dock no data to construct the stack with. I believe that the key to unlocking this great feature lies within someone's .plist file from a time when they had a filestack-tile. (Either that, or somehow patching in a beta version of the dock, but that could get very messy very quickly). Thanks for hearing me out, no matter how accurate or inaccurate this post may end up being. Happy Hacking. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
5thAgent Posted December 10, 2007 Share Posted December 10, 2007 I'd love to see this come to be a reality once more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iarora Posted December 10, 2007 Share Posted December 10, 2007 yeah, i was wondering what hppend to that feature. i would love to see some one re enable it somehow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
idividebyzero Posted December 10, 2007 Share Posted December 10, 2007 I actually couldnt firgure out how to make stacks work the first time I booted. Apple only showed us that you had to select a bunch of files and then drag them to the dock which would create a stack, so thats what I tried. It eventually occured to me that only folders work. Pretty stupid move. I like the downloads stack a lot but other than that directory stacks are virtually useless. I would love to have a stack on the main app side of the dock that housed ONLY adobe apps. The only other way I can think of doing that is to create a new folder, put adobe alias's inside it and then make it a stack on the directory side of the dock, but thats really not very Apple'ish. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
5thAgent Posted December 14, 2007 Share Posted December 14, 2007 Could someone more dev-savvy look into this? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gray_hat Posted December 15, 2007 Author Share Posted December 15, 2007 I dug up a copy of the Dock application from 9a559 and ran the strings command on it. It contains more of the raw data that would likely be needed to figure this out. If anyone at all has a copy of their .plist file from when the original stacks worked, or a copy of a build they can use to construct one with, please post it here. If we can figure out the structure of how it is stored in the .plist file, we may be able to add them to the dock manually. autorelease en_US Info.plist owensdock dockspace trashlabel stackitem furl url urln IEDP URLD fdtt AppleShowAllExtensions AppleShowAllFiles openinfinder notfound notfoundover trashfull trashempty finder openfolder wvousfloat wvousfloatselected wvouscornertl wvouscornertr wvouscornerbl wvouscornerbr shadow dashboard pileArrow pileLeftArrow pileRightArrow {FloatRect="left"f"top"f"right"f"bottom"f} {CGRect="origin"{CGPoint="x"f"y"f}"size"{CGSize="width"f"height"f}} ^{__CTLine=} ^{__CFString=} ^{OpaqueCoreDrag=} ^{__CFDictionary=} ^^{AliasRecord} ^{__CFArray=} @"DOCKTileLayer" @"DOCKIndicatorLayer" @8@0:4 c16@0:4^{OpaqueCoreDrag=}8@12 v16@0:4^{OpaqueCoreDrag=}8@12 ^{__CFDictionary=}16@0:4^{__CFString=}8i12 v12@0:4^{OpaqueMenuRef=}8 v16@0:4^{OpaqueMenuRef=}8^^{AliasRecord}12 v20@0:4{CPSProcessSerNum=II}8^{OpaqueMenuRef=}16 v12@0:4^{__CFString=}8 v12@0:4^v8 l16@0:4^v8^{__CFString=}12 l12@0:4^{__CFString=}8 l16@0:4^{__CFString=}8r^^{__CFString}12 ^{__CFArray=}8@0:4 l16@0:4^{__CFString=}8r^^{__CFBoolean}12 l16@0:4^{__CFString=}8^v12 l24@0:4^{__CFString=}8l12l16r^^{__CFArray}20 l16@0:4^{__CFString=}8^i12 l16@0:4^{__CFString=}8r^^v12 c12@0:4^{OpaqueCoreDrag=}8 v12@0:4^{OpaqueCoreDrag=}8 v8@0:4 v12@0:4@8 ^{__CFDictionary=}12@0:4i8 c8@0:4 ^{__CFString=}8@0:4 ^v8@0:4 v16@0:4{CPSProcessSerNum=II}8 v12@0:4c8 v16@0:4^{__CFString=}8c12 ^{__CFURL=}8@0:4 v24@0:4^{Point=ss}8^i12^{Rect=ssss}16^{Point=ss}20 c24@0:4^{OpaqueMenuRef=}8{CPSProcessSerNum=II}12^?20 c12@0:4c8 ^{OpaqueMenuRef=}12@0:4^?8 v12@0:4L8 ^{CPSProcessSerNum=II}8@0:4 v12@0:4I8 c20@0:4I8{CPSProcessSerNum=II}12 c20@0:4I8c12^c16 v24@0:4{FloatRect=ffff}8 @12@0:4L8 blending indicatorBlending recting scaling moving squeezing bouncing bounceEnding bounceStop notifyBounce transing transEnded needUpdate updateDirect alreadyForceQuit canBeDragged launching quitting acceptsDrag isStatic hung quitDuringDrag openThreadOnTile _selected _labelNeedsUpdate _hidden blendFrom blendNow blendTo blendST blendDur rectFrom rectNow rectTo rectST rectDur scaleFrom scaleNow scaleTo scaleST scaleDur xFrom xNow xDraw moveST moveDur squeezFrom squeezNow squeezTo squeezST squeezDur bounceST bounceDur bounceNow bouncePeriod indicatorBlendFrom indicatorBlendTo indicatorBlendST indicatorBlendDur transFrom transNow transTo transST transDur transEndCallback transingCallback transData poofFrame fGlobalBounds fLabelLine fLabel fLabelWidth fLabelDescent fLabelAscent fSeenThisDragRef fIconCache fGUID fAlias fAXObservers fAXWildcardObservers _layer _indicatorLayer poofImages folderDragDrop:tile: folderDragLeave:tile: folderDragEnter:tile: applicationDragDrop:tile: applicationDragTracking:tile: applicationDragLeave:tile: applicationDragEnter:tile: createSimpleInstallDictionary:tileid: removeQuitFromMenu: updateLoginMenuItems:alias: disableHideMenuItemsIfHidden:forMenu: axPostNotification: axObserverDied: axRemoveObserver:notification: axAddObserver:notification: axPerformAction: axCopyActionDescription:description: axCopyActionNames axIsAttributeSettable:settable: axSetAttributeValue:value: axCopyAttributeValues:index:maxValues:values: axGetAttributeValueCount:count: axCopyAttributeValue:value: axCopyAttributeNames dragDrop: dragTracking: dragLeave: dragEnter: willBeRemovedFromDock removeIndicator addIndicator copyFromTile: createInstallDictionary: isStackExpanded collapseStack isStack typeString createPlist setPSN: hasIndicator labelAttached labelNeedsUpdate setLabelNeedsUpdate: setLabel:stripAppSuffix: copyFileURLForMenus getMenuDirection:direction:rect:downPt: addProcessMenu:forPSN:eventHandler: showMenu: createMenu: doCommand: isRemovable spring: open doProcessAction:psn: doAction:ignoreHiliteChange:deselect: hidden setHidden: updateLabelForHIDPI render selected setSelected: setGlobalFrame: updateRect update removeFromIconCache dealloc initWithGUID: setImage: objectAtIndex: setSublayers: sublayers imageLayer isKindOfClass: class renderInContext: initWithObjects:count: attach: initWithOrientation: retain reflectionLayer insertSublayer:below: insertSublayer:atIndex: addSublayer: layer superlayer setFrame: frame floorShadowLayer shadowLayer convertRectFromGlobal: setOpacity: opacity detach release removeFromSuperlayer alloc init setValue:forKey: Tile NSObject CATransaction DOCKTileLayer DOCKIndicatorLayer NSArray DOCKFileTile .app type position poof.png AXPress AXShowMenu AXUIElementDestroyed AXFocused AXSelected Dock: could not fork %s AXChildren AXRole AXDockItem AXTitle AXParent AXTopLevelUIElement AXPosition AXSize AXURL AXShownMenuUIElement autohide magnification /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Dock.prefPane /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Expose.prefPane TrashRemoveFromDock Remove From Dock SetsCursorInBackground flush NSAutoreleasePool setContents: contents DOCKInsertTile empty.png dockExtra T@"DOCKDockExtra",&,V_dockExtra actingAsProcess Tc,R,V_actingAsProcess valid Tc,V_valid v12@0:4r^{FSRef=[80C]}8 c36@0:4^^{AliasRecord}8r^{FSRef=[80C]}12L16r^{FSCatalogInfo=SsIICCCC{UTCDateTime SIS}{UTCDateTime=SIS}{UTCDateTime=SIS}{UTCDateTime=SIS}{UTCDateTime=SIS}[4I][16C [16C]QQQQII}20r^S24L28c32 @48@0:4r^{FSRef=[80C]}8^^{AliasRecord}12L16S20^{__CFString=}24{UTCDateTime=SIS}2 {UTCDateTime=SIS}36C44 v48@0:4^{__CFURL=}8^^{AliasRecord}12^{__CFString=}16S20L24{UTCDateTime=SIS}28{UT DateTime=SIS}36C44 ^{__CFURL=} {CPSProcessSerNum="hi"I"lo"I} @"DOCKDockExtra" {UTCDateTime="highSeconds"S"lowSeconds"I"fraction"S} @20@0:4@8{CPSProcessSerNum=II}12 @32@0:4^v8c12L16c20c24c28 @24@0:4^^{AliasRecord}8^{__CFURL=}12L16c20 @24@0:4r^{FSRef=[80C]}8^^{AliasRecord}12L16c20 @48@0:4r^{FSRef=[80C]}8^^{AliasRecord}12L16c20r^{FSCatalogInfo=SsIICCCC{UTCDateT me=SIS}{UTCDateTime=SIS}{UTCDateTime=SIS}{UTCDateTime=SIS}{UTCDateTime=SIS}[4I][ 6C][16C]QQQQII}24L28S32r^{HFSUniStr255=S[255S]}36^{__CFString=}40r^{FSRef=[80C]} 4 _initalizeDockExtraWithFSRef: _draw:ref:which:info:name:count:lock: _initialize:alias:GUID:type:label:modDate:parentModDate:isStatic: _initializeBroken:alias:label:type:GUID:modDate:parentModDate:isStatic: _fileType _badURL _actingAsProcess _psn _valid _dockExtra _modDate _parentModDate setValid: setDockExtra: isApplication isAliasFile rebuildCaches: convertToBroken convertFromBroken: stopActingAsProcess actAsProcess: initWithTile:psn: initWithPlist:isAppHint:GUID:isStatic:differentLocalization:anyStaticsEver: _initWithPlistAliasNoLabel:url:GUID:isStatic: initWithFSRef:alias:GUID:isStatic: initWithFSRef:alias:GUID:isStatic:catInfo:bitmap:type:name:extension:parent: addNamedImageLayer:name:atBottom: removeNamedLayer: unregisterClient: registerClient: sharedDockExtraServer initWithTile: stringByExpandingTildeInPath private DOCKDockExtra DOCKDockExtraServer file-data home directory relative file-type file-mod-date parent-mod-date file-label dock-extra Menu.plist Menu.strings CFBundleIdentifier file-tile AXRoleDescription AXSubrole AXIsApplicationRunning AXApplicationDockItem application dock item AXFolderDockItem folder dock item AXDocumentDockItem document dock item DockExtra appside docside alias path label @32@0:4{CPSProcessSerNum=II}8r^{FSRef=[80C]}16^^{AliasRecord}20^{__CFString=}24c 8 initWithPSN:fsref:alias:name:useProcessName: DOCKProcessTile _midPoint DOCKSeparatorTile separator trashString T^{__CFString=},R,V_trashString _trashFull _trashString resetTrashIcon changeState: movePathToTrash: DOCKTrashTile DOCKWindowTile DOCKFolderTile ECDirectoryFile ECFileOperation trash-full TrashName Trash trash AXTrashDockItem trash dock item version persistent-apps persistent-others largesize tilesize right bottom left orientation middle start pinning suck genie scale mineffect offminsize mod-count wvous-floater-pos static-apps static-others wvous-pip-%x x-pos y-pos display-width display-height size-immutable magnify-immutable autohide-immutable position-immutable mineffect-immutable contents-immutable static-only min-in-place-immutable default.plist AppleScrollerPagingBehavior spring-load-time launchanim enable-spring-load-actions workspaces workspaces-rows workspaces-cols workspaces-switch-modifier-binding workspaces-switchDirectly-modifier-binding workspaces-app-bindings mask T@"CALayer",V_mask transactionID TI,V_transactionID orderOperation Ti,V_orderOperation orderWindow TI,V_orderWindow owner T{CPSProcessSerNum="hi"I"lo"I},R,V_owner TI,R,V_wid {Transformer="tileBuild"f"direction"i} @"CALayer" I8@0:4 {CPSProcessSerNum=II}8@0:4 v12@0:4i8 i8@0:4 L8@0:4 @28@0:4I8{CPSProcessSerNum=II}12L20@24 _drawWithParentTile: _iconRect _transformer _transformNow _windowRect _imageRect _minimizing _maximizing _needToOrderWindow _showBadge _mask _storedLayerImage _wid _owner _orderWindow _orderOperation _transactionID setOrderWindow: setOrderOperation: setTransactionID: setMask: updateTransition endMinMax beginMinMax updateFromSource: initWithWindow:psn:tid:parentTile: size setBounds: bounds setPosition: setBackgroundColor: backgroundColor CALayer AXMinimizedWindowDockItem minimized window dock item DOCKDesktopTile Finder /System/Library/CoreServices/ removeReplacementAppImage setReplacementAppImage: item orderitem orderop title replyRunLoopMode .wdgt T^{__CFURL=},R,V_url @16@0:4^v8L12 @20@0:4^{__CFURL=}8^{__CFString=}12L16 _url initWithPlist:GUID: initWithURL:label:GUID: DOCKURLTile url-tile AXURLDockItem URL dock item downloadNotification:forPath: AppleNoRedisplayAppearancePreferenceChanged ToolboxMessageEventData AXCreated dictionaryWithContentsOfFile: pathForResource:ofType: mainBundle NSDictionary NSBundle dynamic-break header enabled icon-enabled dynamic command parent-selectable name Name missing mark indent style system-icon resource-icon command-char-key DockMenus.plist recentstack dock process file folder finder-running finder-quit minwindow volume fileapp docklet spacer directory filestack DockMenus strings respondsToSelector: DOCKDashboardTile failed to set poof cursor Dock: could not register for notifications from CPS Error registering cmd-tab key, %d Error registering cmd-shift-tab key, %d TimeMachine DockProxyPSNLoHack switchUIMode /usr/bin/java no-bouncing Dock: trying to unlock a mask that is not locked compare:options:range: appendString: initWithString: deleteCharactersInRange: length stringWithCharacters:length: NSString NSMutableString DOCKSpacerTile AXFocusedUIElementChanged Dock: IconCacheCopyToWindow not aligned IconCacheCreateImage not aligned Dock: _AXUIElementRegisterServerWithRunLoop failed: %ld AXList AXHelp AXVisibleChildren AXWindow AXEnabled AXSelectedChildren AXOrientation AXHorizontalOrientation AXVerticalOrientation AXSelectedChildrenChanged AXDashboardShown AXDashboardHidden AXApplication Dock AXFocusedUIElement AXWidgetList LastName deskpicture: CGSSetWindowType failed: %d desktop missing path or desktop in desktops list bad path in desktops list bad desktop number in desktops list calling _DPCRunCompositionOnDesktop: %d %s IODeviceTree:/enclosure desktop-picture Nature/Aurora Blue.jpg Nature/Aurora.jpg /Library/Desktop Pictures/ .pdf deskpicture: directory does not contain any files that I can image CMDisplayDeviceProfilesNotification deskpicture: cannot create an array to hold displays deskpicture: could not get any desktop windows updateIndicatorForSize: setNeedsLayout convertPointToGlobal: convertPoint:toLayer: layoutSublayers setGlobalSeparatorPosition: setTile: tile setRect: setOrientation: isHidden countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count: removeDirectoriesNotInArray: sharedController count addObject: initWithCapacity: initWithPlist:GUID:isStatic:differentLocalization:anyStaticsEver: initWithPlist: tileForFSRef:alias: order: initWithRect:connection: boundsForStage:orientation: DOCKLabelLayer DOCKMainWindow DOCKFloorLayer DOCKFileTileFactory DOCKRecentsTile NSMutableArray ECDirectoryController DockAppLaunched GUID tile-type dockling-tile dashboard-tile spacer-tile recents-tile filestack-tile tile-data directory-tile CFBundleName /Contents/MacOS/DockSyncClient --sync --entitynames, Dock: could not fork dock sync client DockInit minimize-128 single-app DotMacSyncingDidChangeForDataClass DotMacSessionProxyDistributedNotificationSource resizecursor.png resizecursorv.png could not create darkened copy backup AXProcessSwitcherList process switcher list AXConfirm AXCancel AXButton SynchronizeReenableUpdates wvous-floater action IOService:/IOResources/IODisplayWrangler IORequestIdle Expose could not sleep hot corner, error %d window unzoomWindows kCGSWindowTitle Somehow we have no valid label attributes - abort labeling windows wvous-tl-corner wvous-tr-corner wvous-bl-corner wvous-br-corner wvous-tl-modifier wvous-tr-modifier wvous-bl-modifier wvous-br-modifier wvous-showcorners wvous-maindisplay wvous-olddesktop wvous-spring wvous-floater-style WindowVousDisplayChanged CGSGetWindowLevel failed: %d CGSSetWindowTransforms failed(%d) kCGSMovementParent orderingGroup AppleHighlightColor AppleColorPreferencesChangedNotification prefs button modifiers alpha AliasData Managed [%g %g] inputPoint0 inputPoint1 inputCornerRadius CIShapedWaterRipple inputPhase MoreWidgetsURL [url=""][/url] Dashboard disable-ripple closebox layer-gadgets in-layer Widget /Contents/MacOS/Widget Installer DashboardServer: Could not get path for Widget Installer DashboardServer: mach_ports_register failed (installer) %d DashboardServer: could not fork dashboard installer Widgets wdgt /Library/Widgets/ mcx-disabled process-grouping devmode /Library/Widgets/Calculator.wdgt 0000000000000001 /Library/Widgets/World Clock.wdgt 0000000000000002 /Library/Widgets/iCal.wdgt 0000000000000003 /Library/Widgets/Weather.wdgt 0000000000000004 %s failed with error %d CGSSetWindowListAlpha CGSSetWindowTransforms %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x dashboard-widget new= open= send= sendwithid= dashboard-widget-download Dashboard: could not get path from download url: Dashboard: download url is not a widget: Dashboard: could not create path for url: Dashboard: could not generate a path from FSRef err = %ld closebox_pressed No process for new widget Library/Widgets/ widget-list slash-mod tilde-mod locale bundle_id width height date delete Width Height CFBundleVersion Icon.png widget Default.png Dashboard: The default image at %s cannot be found, this widget will not run. perf config_label_left_not_select config_label_left config_label_mid config_label_right config_label_left_not ellipsis HelveticaNeue-Bold rpager lpager ManageWidgets Manage Widgets... 1ofn %d of %d pagermiddle pagerendcapleft pagerendcapright pagerstartcapleft pagerstartcapright ERROR: %@ failed [%d] FSOpenIterator LSCopyItemInfoForRef FileTileNew Iteration:%d Message: Running test %d [%@] Add and remove items from Dock FSFindFolder TileListNew EventQueueAddDragDrop EventQueueAddTileRemoved Restoring tiles Hide, rotate, resize & show Dock Test expose modes Test dashboard DashboardCreateAnOpenWidget DashboardTerminateWidgets Testing complete, restoring Dock position DashboardName AXDashboardDockItem dashboard dock item HH-mm-ss-SSS %@ %@.wdgt Dashboard: delete widget thread could not create timer. You are hosed magic_carpet_top_left magic_carpet_top_mid magic_carpet_top_right magic_carpet_mid_left magic_carpet_mid_right magic_carpet_bottom_left magic_carpet_bottom_mid magic_carpet_bottom_right magic_carpet_button_left magic_carpet_button_mid magic_carpet_button_right magic_carpet_button_down_left magic_carpet_button_down_mid magic_carpet_button_down_right Delete Keep Bunny Rabbit i386 File %s is not Mach-o. Cannot read file %s. Unsupported file type for file %s. No executable located for bundle %s. Cannot read bundle %s. Dashboard: trying to add an event to a queue that is full initWithType: setStackStyle: setArrangement: intValue objectForKey: error unserializing info %d arrangement showAs manager pos-x pos-y percent-x percent-y percent-type percent-offset-x percent-offset-y separate-process MainHTML CloseBoxInsetX CloseBoxInsetY Plugin SeparateProcess CPSPostEventRecordTo failed %d %s numberWithFloat: NSNumber :no-bundle:%d workspaces-wrap-arrows SpacesUnmovable SpacesKeepGrouped demomode workspaces-edge-delay read out an invalid workspace! read out an invalid workspace (%d, should be universal). /var/db/dashboardadvisory.database /var/db/.dashboardadvisorydisabled SELECT count(*) FROM advisory SELECT count(*) FROM allowed SELECT ROWID FROM scan WHERE uid = ? unable to start slash library thread unable to start scan thread unable to find creating identity for /Library widget %s failed %d SELECT ROWID FROM advisory WHERE ? NOT IN (SELECT hash from override) AND hash IN (%s) LIMIT 1 .identity /.identity .identity file is not a valid identity file for path %s unable to create identity for path %s unable to write identity for path %s, errno = %d select uid FROM allowed WHERE (hash = ?) AND (uid = ? OR uid IS NULL) LIMIT 1 select uid FROM allowed WHERE (hash = ? OR bundle_id = ?) AND (uid = ? OR uid IS NULL) LIMIT 1 hash bundleID userID FCWidgetWasBlockedNotification unable to create query for path %s .identity %s does not match widget /Contents/MacOS/widgetadvisory unable to fork widgetadvisory for %s scan failed %d /..namedfork/rsrc setFont AppleDisplayScaleFactor AppleAppearancePreferenceChanged /Contents/MacOS/DashboardClient DashboardServer: could not fork dashboard client DraggingOwner AccessibilityOwner %d:%d:%f:%f widgetID bundlePath inLayer drain runMode:beforeDate: distantFuture currentRunLoop commit begin NSRunLoop NSDate showhidden showshadow mouse-over-hilte-stack enable-spring-load-actions-on-all-items tile-inset DoesPointToFocusCursorUpdate ClientMayIgnoreEvents T{CGRect="origin"{CGPoint="x"f"y"f}"size"{CGSize="width"f"height"f}},R,V_frame T@"CALayer",R,V_layer ^{_CAView=} @"CAContext" {CGRect={CGPoint=ff}{CGSize=ff}}28@0:4{CGRect={CGPoint=ff}{CGSize=ff}}8i24 {CGRect={CGPoint=ff}{CGSize=ff}}8@0:4 {CGPoint=ff}16@0:4{CGPoint=ff}8 {CGRect={CGPoint=ff}{CGSize=ff}}24@0:4{CGRect={CGPoint=ff}{CGSize=ff}}8 v24@0:4{CGRect={CGPoint=ff}{CGSize=ff}}8 @28@0:4{CGRect={CGPoint=ff}{CGSize=ff}}8I24 _view _context _cid _sid _bounds _frame convertPointFromGlobal: contextId setLayer: contextWithCGSConnection:options: CAContext CaptureOnlyEventRegion dock-windowserver UTF8String description minificationFilter <%s %p> pos={%f %f} bounds={%f %f %f %f} minFilter=%s contents=%s NON-INTEGRAL {CGPoint="x"f"y"f} v12@0:4f8 @12@0:4i8 _lineLayer _scurveLayer _separatorLayer _lineSize _orientation _separatorPosition _pt1 _pt2 _pt3 _pt4 _getCurveForOrientation: convertPoint:fromLayer: setTransform: transform setAnchorPoint: anchorPoint stringWithFormat: setSublayerTransform: sublayerTransform setContentsGravity: contentsGravity setMinificationFilter: -left -right scurve%@%@.png frontline.png separator.png frontline-left.png separator-left.png frontline-right.png separator-right.png T@"CALayer",R,V_floorShadowLayer T@"DOCKTileShadowLayer",R,V_shadowLayer T@"DOCKReflectionLayer",R,V_reflectionLayer T@"CALayer",&,D @"DOCKReflectionLayer" @"DOCKTileShadowLayer" v12@0:4^{CGImage=}8 @20@0:4^{CGImage=}8@12c16 _savedImage _savedShadow _savedExtraImage _imageLayer _reflectionLayer _shadowLayer _floorShadowLayer _hasAppReplacementImage _hasExtraReplacementImage setImageLayer: removeReplacementExtraImage setReplacementExtraImage: _resetSavedImage filterWithName: isEqualToString: setConstraints: arrayWithObjects: constraintWithAttribute:relativeTo:attribute: constraints setLayoutManager: layoutManager setName: setFilters: filters arrayWithObject: DOCKFloorShadowLayer DOCKReflectionLayer DOCKTileShadowLayer CAConstraintLayoutManager CAConstraint CAFilter lanczos inputColor _currentIndicatorSize small medium large indicator_%@.png T@"CALayer",R,V_imageLayer valueWithPoint: NSValue inputColor0 inputColor1 ^{CGColor=} @"Tile" v16@0:4@8^{CGContext=}12 _shadowColor _blendFrom _blendNow _blendTo _blendST _blendDur _source _blending _needUpdate _cutoutLayer _textLayer drawLayer:inContext: display setNeedsDisplay setDelegate: delegate setCornerRadius: cornerRadius needToPoll Tc,D invalid Tc,R,D readonly Ti,R,V_directoryfd files T@"NSArray",R,V_files T@"NSString",R,V_name T@"NSString",R,V_path v16@0:4@8@12 v12@0:4^{sqlite3=}8 v24@0:4^{sqlite3=}8^{__CFDictionary=}12@16@20 v20@0:4^{__CFDictionary=}8@12@16 {FSRef="hidden"[80C]} @"NSString" @"NSMutableArray" @24@0:4^^{AliasRecord}8q12I20 @20@0:4@8Q12 _handleDirectoryDeleted _handleDirectoryChangedPoll:controller: _modificationDateChanged: _updateIcon: _iconChanged: directoryCreated: _directoryNameChanged:controller: _clientNameChanged: removeFromDatabase:controller: _directoryChangedEvent:controller: _directoryChangedEventWithDatabase:nodeIDsToRemove:newFiles:changedFiles: _directoryChangedEventWithoutDatabase:newFiles:changedFiles: _checkModificationDate _handleDirectoryChanged: _handleDirectoryNameChanged _ECDirectoryThreadCreate: _directoryRef _directoryfd _path _files _name _nodeIDDictionary _readonly _invalid _hasFileIDs _showInvisibles _handlingDirectoryChange _needToHandleDirectoryChange _needToPoll _handlingModificationDateCheck directoryWithAlias:rowid:options: updateIfModificationDateChanged invalidate removeFromDatabase updateIcon: _clientDirectoryChanged: handleDirectoryChanged setNeedToPoll: initWithPath:rowid: postNotificationName:object: defaultCenter boolValue iconWithIconRef: icon _setIcon: longLongValue initWithLongLong: didChangeValueForKey: willChangeValueForKey: database object recreateDatabase _setRowID: finalizeStatement: rowid statementWithString:database:statement: arrayWithCapacity: nodeID setObject:forKey: dictionaryWithCapacity: performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone: numberWithBool: initWithObjects:forKeys:count: initWithFSRef:catinfo:hfsname:name:rowid:directory: initWithCharacters:length: dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: stringWithUTF8String: removeAllObjects _directoryCreatedEvent:controller: sortUsingSelector: compareModifiedDate: stringByAppendingString: hasSuffix: initWithUTF8String: performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:modes: errorWithDomain:code:userInfo: _error: unsignedIntValue addDirectoryEvent:target:selector:object: addObjectsFromArray: indexSetWithIndexesInRange: didChange:valuesAtIndexes:forKey: removeObjectsAtIndexes: willChange:valuesAtIndexes:forKey: indexesOfArray: _updateFromFile: _createNameAndModifiedDate _clearDirectory stopWatchingDirectory: detachNewThreadSelector:toTarget:withObject: dictionaryWithObjects:forKeys:count: aliasHandleWithAlias: numberWithUnsignedInt: initWithRowID:directory: ECDirectoryPrivate ECDirectory ECDirectoryThreadDatabase ECDirectoryThread ECDirectoryObject ECDirectoryOperation ECAliasHandle NSMutableDictionary NSThread NSIndexSet NSError ECSQLStatementPool ECDirectoryIcon NSNotificationCenter ECDirectoryDeletedNotification operation options <ECDirectory: %p> {path=%@} changed removed added displayName nodeIDsToRemove changedFiles newFiles could not open iterator, %d, for directory %@ (directory changed) unable to create an ECDirectoryFile for %@ in %@ during a file changed event unable to create a new ECDirectoryFile for %@ in %@ during a directory changed event problem iterating directory, %d, for directory %@ (directory changed) could not find nodeid %d in _nodeIDDictionary, this technically is impossible. major failure. DELETE FROM directories WHERE ROWID=? SQLite failure in removeFromDatabase for %@ lineNum=%d err=%d (%s) UPDATE directories SET path=? WHERE ROWID=? SQLite failure in _directoryNameChanged for %@ lineNum=%d err=%d (%s) _createFilesFromDirectory cannot create ECDirectoryFile for %@ for directory SELECT path from directories WHERE ROWID=? INSERT INTO directories VALUES (?) SELECT ROWID FROM files WHERE name=? AND directory_id=? INSERT INTO files (name, filesystemid, directory_id) VALUES (?,?,?) SELECT ROWID FROM files WHERE filesystemid=? AND directory_id=? UPDATE files SET name=? WHERE ROWID=? SELECT count(*) FROM files WHERE directory_id=? DELETE FROM files WHERE directory_id=? DELETE FROM files WHERE ROWID NOT IN (%s) SELECT ROWID FROM files WHERE directory_id = ? ORDER BY ordering ASC SELECT max(ordering) FROM files WHERE directory_id = ? ORDER BY ordering ASC UPDATE files SET ordering=? WHERE ROWID=? SQLite failure in directoryCreated for %@ lineNum=%d err=%d (%s) DELETE FROM files WHERE ROWID IN (%s) INSERT INTO files (name,filesystemid,directory_id,ordering) VALUES (?,?,?,?) SQLite failure in _directoryChangedEventWithDatabase for %@ lineNum=%d err=%d (%s) T@"ECDirectory",R,V_directory target T@,&,V_target T@,&,V_object selector T:,V_selector @"ECDirectory" v12@0:4:8 :8@0:4 @24@0:4:8@12@16@20 _selector _object _target _directory setSelector: setObject: setTarget: initWithSelector:target:object:directory: ECDirectoryEvent fileSystemName T@"NSString",R,D TI,R,V_nodeID createDate T{UTCDateTime="highSeconds"S"lowSeconds"I"fraction"S},R,V_createDate contentModDate T{UTCDateTime="highSeconds"S"lowSeconds"I"fraction"S},R,V_contentModDate T@"NSString",R,V_uti T@"ECDirectoryIcon",R,V_icon kind T@"NSString",R,V_kind T@"NSString",R,V_displayName flags TI,R,V_flags v16@0:4q8 @36@0:4r^{FSRef=[80C]}8r^{FSCatalogInfo=SsIICCCC{UTCDateTime=SIS}{UTCDateTime=SI }{UTCDateTime=SIS}{UTCDateTime=SIS}{UTCDateTime=SIS}[4I][16C][16C]QQQQII}12r^{HF UniStr255=S[255S]}16@20Q24@32 @"ECDirectoryIcon" {UTCDateTime=SIS}8@0:4 i12@0:4@8 _flags _displayName _kind _icon _uti _contentModDate _createDate _nodeID compareKind: compareCreateDate: compare: initWithName:modifiedDate: compare:options: stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:withString: ECDirectoryFilePrivate ECDirectoryNameAndModifiedDate <ECDirectoryFile: %p> {name=%@} T^{OpaqueIconRef=},R,V_icon ^{OpaqueIconRef=} @12@0:4^{OpaqueIconRef=}8 ^{OpaqueIconRef=}8@0:4 @12@0:4^{_NSZone=}8 copyWithZone: NSCopying Tq,R,V_rowid @20@0:4q8@16 q8@0:4 _rowid ECDirectoryObjectPrivate siblingObject T@"ECDirectoryObject",R,V_siblingObject orderAbove Tc,R,V_orderAbove orderObject T@"ECDirectoryObject",R,V_orderObject @"ECDirectoryObject" @20@0:4@8c12@16 _orderObject _siblingObject _orderAbove orderOpWithObject:orderAbove:sibling: initWithObject:orderAbove:sibling: ECDirectoryOrderOp @20@0:4@8{UTCDateTime=SIS}12 @12@0:4@8 modDate addIndex: indexOfObjectIdenticalTo: indexSet ECDirectoryArrayExtensions NSMutableIndexSet expandedItemLayer T@"DOCKStackItemLayer",&,V_expandedItemLayer hoverTimer T@"NSTimer",&,V_hoverTimer hoverTextLayer T@"CATextLayer",&,V_hoverTextLayer hoverLayer T@"CALayer",&,V_hoverLayer stackStyle Ti,R,V_stackStyle dragTimerLocation T{CGPoint="x"f"y"f},V_dragTimerLocation dragTimestamp TQ,V_dragTimestamp dragStartTimestamp TQ,V_dragStartTimestamp dragStartVisibleRect T{CGRect="origin"{CGPoint="x"f"y"f}"size"{CGSize="width"f"height"f}},V_dragStartVisibleRect dragStartLocation T{CGPoint="x"f"y"f},V_dragStartLocation dragLocation T{CGPoint="x"f"y"f},V_dragLocation selectedItem T@"DOCKStackItemLayer",&,D stackItems T@"NSMutableArray",&,D collapsed layoutState Ti,R,V_layoutState @"DOCKStackItemLayer" @"DOCKStackBackgroundLayer" @"CAScrollLayer" @"DOCKStackScrollbarLayer" @"CATextLayer" @"NSTimer" {CGSize="width"f"height"f} c12@0:4i8 I20@0:4i8^i12I16 v16@0:4{CGPoint=ff}8 {CGPoint=ff}8@0:4 v16@0:4Q8 Q8@0:4 c12@0:4@8 v16@0:4@8c12 v28@0:4{CGPoint=ff}8f16c20c24 @12@0:4r@8 L16@0:4I8i12 v24@0:4@8@12@16^v20 _collapsed _stackItems _selectedItem _selectionLayer _mouseDownStackItemHitLayer _backgroundLayer _itemsLayer _scrollbarLayer _stackStyle _autoHideDisabledWhenStackWasExpanded _hoverLayer _hoverTextLayer _hoverTimer _expandedItemLayer _lastMouseLayer _lastMouseLocation _delayHover _collapsingText _stage _globalFrame _rows _cols _iconSize _didScroll _dragLocation _dragStartLocation _dragStartVisibleRect _dragStartTimestamp _dragTimestamp _dragTimerLocation _firstLayout _listExpanding _layoutState stackItemStyleForStyle: maxItemsForStyle:newStyle:numberOfItems: setDragLocation: setDragStartLocation: setDragStartVisibleRect: setDragStartTimestamp: setDragTimestamp: setDragTimerLocation: setHoverLayer: setHoverTextLayer: setHoverTimer: setExpandedItemLayer: mouseExited: mouseMoved: scrollWheel: leftMouseUp: leftMouseDragged: leftMouseDown: animationDidStop:finished: _doGridCollapseAnimation _doGridExpandAnimation _doFanCollapseAnimation _doFanExpandAnimation _layoutExpandedGrid _layoutExpandedFan _layoutExpandedStack layoutSublayersOfLayer: _expandTextTimer: _collapseTextOfItemLayer: _removeHoverLayer _expandTextOfItemLayer: _canExpandTextOfItemLayer: _stopHoverTimer _startHoverTimerForItemLayer: _setupListLayout _createBackgroundLayer _scrollToPoint:usingScrollFriction:bouncingBack:ignoringSnapToItemHeight: _contentBounds _enclosingStackItemLayerForLayer: updateLayoutWithItemCount:style: observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: imagesForShadowAndReflection addToTileLayer: itemBeforeSelection itemAfterSelection itemRightOfSelection itemLeftOfSelection itemBelowSelection itemAboveSelection removeStackItem: insertStackItem:below: insertStackItem:above: setSelectedItem: setStackItems: setCollapsed: stackItemLayerClicked:event: performSelector:withObject:withObject: stackItemDragged:event: currentHandler draggedDelta time location hitLayer keyPath setFillMode: fillMode setBeginTime: beginTime presentationLayer preferredTextSize setPath: valueWithCATransform3D: setFromValue: fromValue doubleValue setTimingFunction: timingFunction functionWithName: setCenter: center setImageMinificationFilter: imageMinificationFilter reverseObjectEnumerator userInfo shiftKeyDown setShadowOpacity: shadowOpacity setForegroundColor: foregroundColor setString: string setTruncationMode: truncationMode setFontSize: fontSize setFont: font setAlignmentMode: alignmentMode textBackgroundLayer preferredFrameSize textLayer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:target:selector:userInfo:repeats: setContentSize: contentSize addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context: setMinimumThumbSize: minimumThumbSize setScrollLayer: scrollLayer convertRect:fromLayer: scrollRectToVisible: setDuration: duration valueForKey: convertRect:toLayer: floatValue visibleRect lastObject image subarrayWithRange: removeObjectIdenticalTo: insertObject:atIndex: insertSublayer:above: removeAnimationForKey: selectionColor addAnimation:forKey: setToValue: toValue animationWithKeyPath: setText: text setMasksToBounds: masksToBounds setScrollMode: scrollMode DOCKStackLayer CAScrollLayer CABasicAnimation ECSelectionColorController DOCKStackItemLayer DOCKStackBackgroundLayer DOCKStackScrollbarLayer NSTimer CATextLayer ECModalEventController DOCKShowInFinderStackItemLayer CAMediaTimingFunction CAKeyframeAnimation value bumpBottom bumpTop extended fanCollapse reflection listExpand selectionRemoval stackItemStyle Tc,V_stackItemStyle T@"CALayer",R,V_shadowLayer T{CGSize="width"f"height"f},R,V_preferredSize T@"NSString",C,D T@"NSString",&,D T@,&,D iconSize TS,V_iconSize T@"CALayer",R,V_textBackgroundLayer T@"CATextLayer",R,V_textLayer v12@0:4S8 S8@0:4 {CGSize=ff}8@0:4 @16@0:4{CGPoint=ff}8 v12@0:4^{CGContext=}8 _textBackgroundLayer _preferredSize _stackItemStyle setIconSize: setStackItemStyle: hitTest: actionForKey: drawInContext: arrayWithObjects:count: DOCKStackItemTextLayer Helvetica Bold stackitemshadow listsize Lucida Grande Bold modalEventLayer T@"CALayer",R,D T@"CALayer",R @"ECDirectoryOperation" @"ECFileOperation" @"DOCKStackLayer" @"ECDualMapTable" @"NSMutableString" @"NSArray" v24@0:4@8@12{CGSize=ff}16 @28@0:4^v8L12c16c20c24 _directoryOperation _resolveOperation _revealOperation _stackLayer _fileLayerMap _visibleItems _arrangement _lastPollTime _filesAddedOrRemovedWhenStackIsExpanded _asyncImageOperations _typeAheadTimer _typeAheadSelectTimer _typeAheadString _typeAheadLastNumberOfCharacters _sortedTypeAheadArray _openInFinderLayer _showAs _currentDragDefaultType _currentDragType _lastCollapsedTime _downloadNotificationThread: _downloadNotificationAlias: _releaseDirectory _directoryDeleted: _createOpenInFinderLayer: _updateVisibleItems _clearVisibleItems _setImage: _updateIconForName: _deallocDirectoryOperation _sortedStackItems _sortedFiles _addAsyncImagePreviewOperation:objects:size: _collapse _filesRemoved:forceImageSet: _filesAdded: _addFiles _directoryCreated: _fixupIcon _init lostKeyFocus: _typeAheadSelectTimerFired: _typeAheadTimerFired: keyDown: _startDirectoryPoll: removeObjectAtIndex: error removeObserver:name:object: lastPathComponent stringByDeletingLastPathComponent previewAsyncImageOperation:icons:objects:atSize:withKeyPath: removeObjectForKey: containsObject: addObserver:selector:name:object: linkFiles:count:toDestination: copyFiles:count:toDestination: moveFiles:count:toDestination: removeHandler: setDragging: dragging connection fileURLWithPath: stringByAppendingPathComponent: imageFromLayer sortedArrayUsingSelector: setFireDate: dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: characters keyData openPathOperation:parentAlias:inBackground: revealPathInFinderOperation:parentAlias:inBackground: commandKeyDown alternateKeyDown clickCount addHandler: localizedStringForKey:value:table: objectForValue: entryWithIcon:forSize: openAliasOperation:inBackground: resolveAliasOperation: revealAliasInFinderOperation:inBackground: optionKeyDown removeObserver:forKeyPath: copy numberWithInt: dictionaryWithDictionary: ECModalEventHandler ECSizedIconImageCache ECDualMapTable NSURL ECFSRefFileOperation ECAsyncImageOperation showas properties complete notification imageLayer.contents Could not create a directory for %@ error = %@ MORE_IN_FINDER SHOW_IN_FINDER @16@0:4r^{FSRef=[80C]}8^^{AliasRecord}12 dockrecents Tc,R,V_complete @28@0:4@8@12{CGSize=ff}16@24 @32@0:4@8@12@16{CGSize=ff}20@28 @36@0:4@8@12@16{CGSize=ff}20@28c32 _isIcon _complete _keyPath _paths _objects _icons _size iconAsyncImageOperation:objects:atSize:withKeyPath: _operationComplete _handleOperation: _imageOperationThread initWithPaths:icons:objects:atSize:withKeyPath:isIcon: setValue:forKeyPath: dictionaryWithObject:forKey: Bug in quicklook for path %@. image of wrong size. asked for {%f %f} received {%d %d} v16@0:4^{OpaqueIconRef=}8i12 @16@0:4^{OpaqueIconRef=}8i12 removeEntryForIcon:withSize: initWithIcon:andSize: ECSizedIconImageCacheEntry ^{_CARenderImage=} ^{CGImage=}8@0:4 _image CA_copyRenderValue <ECSizedIconImageCacheEntry %p> {width=%d height=%d} T@"<ECModalEventHandler>",R,D mouseDownHitLayer T@"CALayer",&,V_mouseDownHitLayer Tc,V_dragging scrollWheelHandler T@,&,V_scrollWheelHandler mouseMovedHandler T@,&,V_mouseMovedHandler mouseDownHandler T@,&,V_mouseDownHandler ^{__CFRunLoopSource=} @28@0:4:8@12@16@20@24 _eventHandlers _mouseDownHandler _mouseMovedHandler _scrollWheelHandler _dragging _mouseDownHitLayer _ignoreNextMouseUp setMouseDownHandler: setMouseMovedHandler: setScrollWheelHandler: setMouseDownHitLayer: _handlerForScrollWheelEvent:withEvent:topLayer:hitTestLayer:handler: _handlerForMouseEvent:withEvent:topLayer:hitTestLayer:handler: _handleEvents: flagsChanged: keyUp: mouseEntered: setDraggedDelta: rightMouseUp: rightMouseDown: setEvent: event setHitLayer: eventWithEvent: performSelector:withObject: ECEvent TI,R,D isContinuous deltaZ Tf,R,D deltaY deltaX T{CGPoint="x"f"y"f},R,D Ti,R,D controlKeyDown TQ,R,D TS,R,D T{CGPoint="x"f"y"f},V_draggedDelta T@"CALayer",&,V_hitLayer T^{_CGSEventRecord=SSII{CGPoint="x"f"y"f}{f8@0:4 _event _hitLayer _draggedDelta _characters initWithEvent: Ti,V_count destination T{FSRef="hidden"[80C]},V_destination T^{FSRef=[80C]},V_files T@"NSError",&,V_error inBackground Tc,V_inBackground Tc,V_complete ^{FSRef=[80C]} @96@0:4^{FSRef=[80C]}8i12{FSRef=[80C]}16 v12@0:4^{FSRef=[80C]}8 ^{FSRef=[80C]}8@0:4 v88@0:4{FSRef=[80C]}8 {FSRef=[80C]}8@0:4 l16@0:4r^{FSRef=[80C]}8r^{FSRef=[80C]}12 @"NSError" @16@0:4^^{AliasRecord}8c12 @20@0:4@8^^{AliasRecord}12c16 @12@0:4^^{AliasRecord}8 _destination _count setFiles: setDestination: setCount: _linkFiles: _linkRef:toDestination: _copyFiles: _moveFiles: initWithFiles:count:destination: _error _inBackground setComplete: setInBackground: setError: _movePathToTrash: _revealPathInFinder: _revealAliasInFinder: _resolveAlias: _openAlias: _openPath: _complete: getCharacters:range: initWithBytesNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone: aeDesc setParamDescriptor:forKeyword: appleEventWithEventClass:eventID:targetDescriptor:returnID:transactionID: descriptorWithDescriptorType:bytes:length: bytes dataWithBytes:length: NSData NSAppleEventDescriptor fileName parentAlias T@"NSError",R,V_error _success: CALayerAdditions opaqueSelectionColor T^{CGColor=},R,V_opaqueSelectionColor T^{CGColor=},R,V_selectionColor ^{CGColor=}8@0:4 _selectionColor _opaqueSelectionColor _setColorFromPreferences _selectionColorChanged: addObserver:selector:name:object:suspensionBehavior: NSDistributedNotificationCenter T@"CALayer",R,V_stackLayer stackLayer T@"DOCKStackLayer",R,V_stackLayer layerFileMap T^{__CFDictionary=},V_layerFileMap fileLayerMap T@"NSMutableDictionary",V_fileLayerMap T@"NSMutableArray",V_files @"NSMutableDictionary" @"DOCKFileStackFile" v12@0:4^{__CFDictionary=}8 ^{__CFDictionary=}8@0:4 @12@0:4^v8 @16@0:4r^{FSRef=[80C]}8L12 _layerFileMap _currentOpenOrRevealOperation _openingFile setFileLayerMap: setLayerFileMap: _displayRenameDialog _collapse: initWithFSRefs:count: attemptToFixImage dictionary poofAt:size: missingImage guid numberWithUnsignedShort: initWithAlias:name:guid:type: unsignedShortValue initWithFSRef: DOCKFileStackTile DOCKFileStackFile DOCKPoofAnimation Stack icns RENAME_HEADER RENAME_CANCEL %@ : %@ Tc,R,V_missingImage T^^{AliasRecord},R,V_alias TS,R,V_type T@,R,V_image TI,R,V_guid ^^{AliasRecord}8@0:4 @24@0:4@8@12L16S20 @12@0:4r^{FSRef=[80C]}8 c12@0:4r^{FSRef=[80C]}8 _alias _type _guid _missingImage _fetchGuidAndImageForFSRef: TI,R,V_height TI,R,V_width I12@0:4i8 v28@0:4{CGRect={CGPoint=ff}{CGSize=ff}}8f24 _width _height _windowForOrientation: setRect:withOpacity: DOCKGradientWindow desktopgradient-right desktopgradient desktopgradient-left v32@0:4{CGPoint=ff}8{CGRect={CGPoint=ff}{CGSize=ff}}16 _rootLayer _poofWindow _poofSurface _caView _poofLayer setValues: values Tf,V_value Tf,V_minimumThumbSize viewSize Tf,V_viewSize Tf,V_contentSize T@"CAScrollLayer",V_scrollLayer thumbLayer T@"CALayer",&,V_thumbLayer f16@0:4{CGPoint=ff}8 {CGPoint=ff}16@0:4{CGSize=ff}8 _thumbLayer _scrollLayer _viewSize _contentSize _minimumThumbSize _value _mouseEntered _dragOffset setThumbLayer: _valueForPageScrollAtPosition: _valueForThumbPosition: _thumbPosition: _thumbSize _isVertical setValue: setViewSize: T{CGPoint="x"f"y"f},V_center _mainLayer _calloutLayer _center _lastOrientation setNeedsDisplayOnBoundsChange: needsDisplayOnBoundsChange ^{OpaqueLSSharedFileListRef=} v12@0:4^{OpaqueLSSharedFileListRef=}8 _list _itemLayerMap _layerItemMap _items _recentsChanged: sortedArrayUsingFunction:context: Recent Applications Recent Documents Recent Servers Favorite Volumes Favorite Items list-type recents recenttype _keyTable _valueTable T^{sqlite3=},R,V_db ^{sqlite3=}8@0:4 {_opaque_pthread_mutex_t="__sig"l"__opaque"[40c]} ^{sqlite3=} v24@0:4@8@12:16@20 _removeDirectories:controller: _directoryControllerThread: _createDatabase _writefd _readfd _kqueuefd _eventQueueMutex _eventQueue _trace /Library/Preferences/ Database is corrupt attempting to remove and recreate it unable to remove old database, errno = %d Database is corrupt, attempting to recreate Unable to open database %d BEGIN EXCLUSIVE;CREATE TABLE directories (path VARCHAR NOT NULL);CREATE TABLE files (name VARCHAR NOT NULL, filesystemid INTEGER, directory_id INTEGER, ordering INTEGER);CREATE INDEX files_index on files (name, filesystemid, directory_id, ordering);CREATE TRIGGER directory_trigger_delete AFTER DELETE ON directories BEGIN DELETE FROM files WHERE directory_id = OLD.ROWID; END;COMMIT; Unable to initialize new database %d(%s) kqueue failed %d errno = %d trace-database DELETE FROM directories WHERE ROWID NOT IN (%s) SQLite failure in _removeDirectories lineNum=%d err=%d (%s) DBTrace: %s initWithAliasHandle: ^{__CFSet=} i12@0:4^{sqlite3_stmt=}8 i20@0:4r*8^{sqlite3=}12^^{sqlite3_stmt}16 _stmtSet T@"Tile",V_tile T@"ECAliasHandle",R,V_alias port @"ECAliasHandle" _removeImage _tile _registerThread: _serverBirth _setupServer _extras _server_port _DESCRegisterDockExtraClient failed %d LSUIElement LSBackgroundOnly virtual memory exhausted (malloc failed) %s: internal error redo_exit() called with (%d) unexpected value two-level library: %s (file_name %s) umbrella_name = %.*s umbrella_name = NULL library_name = %.*s library_name = NULL ndependent_images = %lu [%lu] %.*s [%lu] %s (file_name %s) nsub_images = %lu mallformed file: %s (bad string table index (%d) for symbol %lu) (for architecture %s) mallformed file: %s (bad string table index (%llu) for N_INDR symbol %lu) (for architecture %s) mallformed file: %s (bad LIBRARY_ORDINAL (%d) for symbol %lu %s) (for architecture %s) mallformed file: %s (bad symbol table index (%d) for table of contents entry %lu) (for architecture %s) mallformed file: %s (bad module table index (%d) for table of contents entry %lu) (for architecture %s) mallformed file: %s (bad string table index (%d) for module_name in module table entry %lu ) (for architecture %s) mallformed file: %s (bad external symbol table index for for module table entry %lu) (for architecture %s) mallformed file: %s (bad number of external symbol table entries for module table entry %lu) (for architecture %s) mallformed file: %s (bad external symbol table index reference table entry %lu) (for architecture %s) mallformed file: %s (table of contents or undefined symbol list) N_INDR symbol %s not found (for architecture %s) mallformed file: %s (for architecture %s) (bad r_address field for local relocation entry %lu) prebinding can't be redone for: %s (for architecture %s) because of relocation overflow (local relocation entry %lu does not fit in 1 byte) prebinding can't be redone for: %s (for architecture %s) because of relocation overflow (local relocation entry %lu does not fit in 2 bytes) install names in all arch's don't match not all arch's are dylibs %s(%.*s) (for architecture %s) for architecture: %s (%s) malloc_create_zone() failed redo_prebinding virtual memory exhausted (malloc_zone_malloc() failed) malformed file: %s (no LC_SYMTAB load command) (for architecture %s) malformed file: %s (no LC_DYSYMTAB load command) (for architecture %s) malformed library: %s (more than one LC_SYMTAB load command) (for architecture %s) malformed library: %s (more than one LC_DYSYMTAB load command) (for architecture %s) malformed library: %s (more than one LC_ROUTINES load command) (for architecture %s) mallformed file: %s (MH_ALLMODSBOUND is set without MH_PREBINDABLE) prebinding can't be redone for: %s (for architecture %s) because larger updated load commands do not fit (the program must be relinked) __LINKEDIT __OBJC __module_info code does not yet support 64-bit Mach-O binaries .objc prebinding can't be redone for: %s (for architecture %s) because of multiply defined symbol: %s %s definition of %s %s(%s) definition of %s virtual memory exhausted (malloc_zone_realloc() failed) %s: loading library: %s @executable_path %s: library name now: %s dynamic shared library file: %s does not contain an architecture that can be used with %s (architecture %s) file: %s (for architecture %s) is an archive (not a Mach-O dynamic shared library) file: %s (for architecture %s) is not a Mach-O dynamic shared library file: %s is an archive (not a Mach-O dynamic shared library) dynamic shared library: %s has the wrong CPU type for: %s (architecture %s) dynamic shared library: %s has the wrong CPU subtype for: %s (architecture %s) file: %s is not a Mach-O dynamic shared library library: %s (architecture %s) prebinding not up to date with installed dynamic shared library: %s library: %s (architecture %s) prebinding not up to date with dependent dynamic shared library: %s %s: for architecture %s archive: %s %s: archive: %s %s: for architecture %s archive member: %s(%.*s) %s: archive member: %s(%.*s) %s: for architecture %s object: %s(%.*s) %s: for architecture %s object: %s %s: for object: %s(%.*s) architecture %s %s: object: %s(%.*s) %s: object: %s getattrlist() returned = %d finfo.info_length = %u sizeof(finfo) = %lu Resource fork len is %llu Data fork len is %llu __DATA __dyld mallformed file: %s (bad symbol table index for external relocation entry %lu) (for architecture %s) mallformed file: %s (missing pair external relocation entry for entry %lu) (for architecture %s) mallformed file: %s (pair external relocation entry for entry %lu is not of r_type PPC_RELOC_PAIR) (for architecture %s) mallformed file: %s (for architecture %s) (bad r_address field for external relocation entry %lu) prebinding can't be redone for: %s (for architecture %s) because of relocation overflow (external relocation for symbol %s does not fit in 1 byte) prebinding can't be redone for: %s (for architecture %s) because of relocation overflow (external relocation for symbol %s does not fit in 2 bytes) mallformed file: %s (external relocation entry %lu has bad r_length) (for architecture %s) prebinding can't be redone for: %s (for architecture %s) because of relocated value not a multiple of 4 bytes prebinding can't be redone for: %s (for architecture %s) because of relocation overflow (external relocation for symbol %s displacement too large to fit) mallformed file: %s (external relocation entry %lu has unknown r_type) (for architecture %s) mallformed file: %s (pair external relocation entry for entry %lu is not of r_type HPPA_RELOC_PAIR) (for architecture %s) mallformed file: %s (pair external relocation entry for entry %lu is not of r_type SPARC_RELOC_PAIR) (for architecture %s) can't redo prebinding for: %s (for architecture %s) because of unknown cputype mallformed file: %s (missing pair local relocation entry for entry %lu) (for architecture %s) mallformed file: %s (pair local relocation entry for entry %lu is not of r_type HPPA_RELOC_PAIR) (for architecture %s) prebinding can't be redone for: %s (for architecture %s) because of relocation overflow (local relocation entry %lu displacement too large to fit) mallformed file: %s (local relocation entry %lu has unknown r_type) (for architecture %s) mallformed file: %s (pair local relocation entry for entry %lu is not of r_type SPARC_RELOC_PAIR) (for architecture %s) mallformed file: %s (pair local relocation entry for entry %lu is not of r_type PPC_RELOC_PAIR) (for architecture %s) prebinding can't be redone for: %s (for architecture %s) because of relocated value not a multiple of 4 bytes for local relocation entry %lu %s: processing file: %s (for architecture %s) not a dylib %s: loading libraries for library %s prebinding can't be redone because %.16s segment (address = 0x%x size = 0x%x) of %s overlaps with %.16s segment (address = 0x%x size = 0x%x) of %s (for architecture %s) prebinding can't be redone because of symbols overridden in dependent dynamic shared libraries (%s defined in: %s and in %s(%s)) (for architecture %s) prebinding can't be redone for: %s (for architecture %s) because of undefined symbols: mallformed file: %s (for architecture %s) (indirect symbol table entries for section (%.16s,%.16s) extends past the end of the indirect symbol table) mallformed file: %s (for architecture %s) (1 bad indirect section (%.16s,%.16s)) mallformed file: %s (for architecture %s) (2 bad indirect symbol table entry %lu) mallformed file: %s (for architecture %s) (3 bad indirect section (%.16s,%.16s)) mallformed file: %s (for architecture %s) (4 bad indirect symbol table entry %lu) file is not a Mach-O file: file is Mach-O executable that isnot dynamically linked: file is not a Mach-O executable or dynamic shared library file: file is not prebound: redoing the prebinding can't be done because file has a resource fork or type/creator: %s: unprebinding file: %s (for architecture %s) mallformed file: %s (for architecture %s) (5 bad indirect section (%.16s,%.16s)) mallformed file: %s (for architecture %s) (6 bad indirect symbol table entry %lu) mallformed file: %s (for architecture %s) (no local relocation entry for lazy symbol pointer %lu) (from unprebind() call) can't stat input file: %s .redo_prebinding can't move temporary file: %s to input file: %s can't set permissions on file: %s can't set owner and group on file: %s little ppc64 x86_64 ppc970-64 m68k hppa sparc m88k i860 ppc601 ppc603 ppc603e ppc603ev ppc604 ppc604e ppc750 ppc7400 ppc7450 ppc970 i486 i486SX pentium i586 pentpro i686 pentIIm3 pentIIm5 pentium4 m68030 m68040 hppa7100LC veo1 veo2 veo3 veo4 cputype 1234567890 cpusubtype 1234567890 cputype %u cpusubtype %u in swap_object_headers(): malformed load command %lu (cmdsize not a multiple of %u) in swap_object_headers(): truncated or malformed load command %lu (extends past the end of the all load commands) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load command %lu (cmdsize is zero) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load command (inconsistent cmdsize in LC_SEGMENT command %lu for the number of sections) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load command (inconsistent cmdsize in LC_SEGMENT_64 command %lu for the number of sections) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (LC_SYMTAB command %lu has incorrect cmdsize in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (LC_DYSYMTAB command %lu has incorrect cmdsize in swap_object_headers(): malformed load command (LC_SYMSEG command %lu has incorrect cmdsize in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (%s command %lu has too small cmdsize field) in swap_object_headers(): truncated or malformed load commands (name.offset field of %s command %lu extends past the end of all load commands) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (LC_SUB_FRAMEWORK command %lu has too small cmdsize field) in swap_object_headers(): truncated or malformed load commands (umbrella.offset field of LC_SUB_FRAMEWORK command %lu extends past the end of all load commands) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (LC_SUB_UMBRELLA command %lu has too small cmdsize field) in swap_object_headers(): truncated or malformed load commands (sub_umbrella.offset field of LC_SUB_UMBRELLA command %lu extends past the end of all load commands) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (LC_SUB_LIBRARY command %lu has too small cmdsize field) in swap_object_headers(): truncated or malformed load commands (sub_library.offset field of LC_SUB_LIBRARY command %lu extends past the end of all load commands) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (LC_SUB_CLIENT command %lu has too small cmdsize field) in swap_object_headers(): truncated or malformed load commands (client.offset field of LC_SUB_CLIENT command %lu extends past the end of all load commands) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (LC_PREBOUND_DYLIB command %lu has too small cmdsize field) in swap_object_headers(): truncated or malformed load commands (name.offset field of LC_PREBOUND_DYLIB command %lu extends past the end of all load commands) in swap_object_headers(): truncated or malformed load commands (linked_modules.offset field of LC_PREBOUND_DYLIB command %lu extends past the end of all load commands) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (count not M68K_THREAD_STATE_REGS_COUNT for flavor number %lu which is a M68K_THREAD_STATE_REGS flavor in %s command %lu) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (count not M68K_THREAD_STATE_68882_COUNT for flavor number %lu which is a M68K_THREAD_STATE_68882 flavor in %s command %lu) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (count not M68K_THREAD_STATE_USER_REG_COUNT for flavor number %lu which is a M68K_THREAD_STATE_USER_REG flavor in %s command %lu) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (unknown flavor %u for flavor number %lu in %s command %lu can't byte swap it) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (count not PPC_THREAD_STATE_COUNT for flavor number %lu which is a PPC_THREAD_STATE flavor in %s command %lu) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (count not PPC_FLOAT_STATE_COUNT for flavor number %lu which is a PPC_FLOAT_STATE flavor in %s command %lu) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (count not PPC_EXCEPTION_STATE_COUNT for flavor number %lu which is a PPC_EXCEPTION_STATE flavor in %s command %lu) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (count not PPC_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT for flavor number %lu which is a PPC_THREAD_STATE64 flavor in %s command %lu) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (count not M88K_THREAD_STATE_GRF_COUNT for flavor number %lu which is a M88K_THREAD_STATE_GRF flavor in %s command %lu) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (count not M88K_THREAD_STATE_XRF_COUNT for flavor number %lu which is a M88K_THREAD_STATE_XRF flavor in %s command %lu) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (count not M88K_THREAD_STATE_USER_COUNT for flavor number %lu which is a M88K_THREAD_STATE_USER flavor in %s command %lu) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (count not M88110_THREAD_STATE_IMPL_COUNT for flavor number %lu which is a M88110_THREAD_STATE_IMPL flavor in %s command %lu) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (count not I860_THREAD_STATE_REGS_COUNT for flavor number %lu which is a I860_THREAD_STATE_REGS flavor in %s command %lu) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (count not i386_THREAD_STATE_COUNT for flavor number %lu which is a i386_THREAD_STATE flavor in %s command %lu) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (count not i386_FLOAT_STATE_COUNT for flavor number %lu which is a i386_FLOAT_STATE flavor in %s command %lu) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (count not I386_EXCEPTION_STATE_COUNT for flavor number %lu which is a i386_EXCEPTION_STATE flavor in %s command %lu) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (count not x86_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT for flavor number %lu which is an x86_THREAD_STATE64 flavor in %s command %lu) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (count not HPPA_INTEGER_THREAD_STATE_COUNT for flavor number %lu which is a HPPA_INTEGER_THREAD_STATE flavor in %s command %lu) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (count not HPPA_FRAME_THREAD_STATE_COUNT for flavor number %lu which is a HPPA_FRAME_THREAD_STATE flavor in %s command %lu) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (count not HPPA_FP_THREAD_STATE_COUNT for flavor number %lu which is a HPPA_FP_THREAD_STATE flavor in %s command %lu) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (count not SPARC_THREAD_STATE_REGS_COUNT for flavor number %lu which is a SPARC_THREAD_STATE_REGS flavor in %s command %lu) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (count not SPARC_THREAD_STATE_FPU_COUNT for flavor number %lu which is a SPARC_THREAD_STATE_FPU flavor in %s command %lu) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (unknown cputype (%d) and cpusubtype (%d) of object and can't byte swap %s command %lu) in swap_object_headers(): truncated or malformed load commands (cmdsize field of LC_IDENT command %lu extends past the end of the load commands) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (LC_ROUTINES command %lu has incorrect cmdsize in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (LC_ROUTINES_64 command %lu has incorrect cmdsize in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (LC_TWOLEVEL_HINTS command %lu has incorrect cmdsize in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (LC_PREBIND_CKSUM command %lu has incorrect cmdsize in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (LC_UUID command %lu has incorrect cmdsize in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (LC_CODE_SIGNATURE command %lu has incorrect cmdsize in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (LC_SEGMENT_SPLIT_INFO command %lu has incorrect cmdsize in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (LC_RPATH command %lu has too small cmdsize field) in swap_object_headers(): truncated or malformed load commands (path.offset field of LC_RPATH command %lu extends past the end of all load commands) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (unknown load command %lu) in swap_object_headers(): truncated or malformed load commands (load command %lu extends past the end of all load commands) in swap_object_headers(): malformed load commands (inconsistent sizeofcmds field in mach header) %s: (%s) Can't vm_deallocate mapped memory for file: %s internal error. check_fat_object_in_archive() called and file type of: %s is not OFILE_ARCHIVE fat file malformed (contains zero architecture types) fat file truncated or malformed (offset plus size of cputype (%d) cpusubtype (%d) extends past the end of the file) fat file's align (2^%u) too large for cputype (%d) cpusubtype (%d) (maximum 2^%d) fat file's offset: %u for cputype (%d) cpusubtype (%d) not aligned on it's alignment (2^%u) fat file for cputype (%d) cpusubtype (%d) is not an object file (size too small to be an object file) fat file for cputype (%d) cpusubtype (%d) is not an object file (bad magic number) fat file contains two of the same architecture (cputype (%d) cpusubtype (%d)) truncated or malformed object (module_name of module table entry %lu past the end of the string table) truncated or malformed object (module_name of module table entry %lu extends past the end of the string table) truncated or malformed object (iextdefsym field of module table entry %lu past the end of the symbol table truncated or malformed object (iextdefsym field of module table entry %lu plus nextdefsym field extends past the end of the symbol table truncated or malformed object (ilocalsym field of module table entry %lu past the end of the symbol table truncated or malformed object (ilocalsym field of module table entry %lu plus nlocalsym field extends past the end of the symbol table truncated or malformed object (irefsym field of module table entry %lu past the end of the reference table truncated or malformed object (irefsym field of module table entry %lu plus nrefsym field extends past the end of the reference table truncated or malformed object (iextrel field of module table entry %lu past the end of the external relocation enrties truncated or malformed object (iextrel field of module table entry %lu plus nextrel field extends past the end of the external relocation enrties ofile_next_module() called on fat file: %s with a non-MH_DYLIB architecture or no architecture selected ofile_next_module() called and file type of %s is non-MH_DYLIB MH_DYLIB format error (does not have a symbol table and/or a dynamic symbol table) ofile_first_module() called on fat file: %s with a non-MH_DYLIB architecture or no architecture selected ofile_first_module() called and file type of %s is non-MH_DYLIB ofile_specific_module() called on fat file: %s with a non-MH_DYLIB architecture or no architecture selected ofile_specific_module() called and file type of %s is non-MH_DYLIB does not contain a module named: %s internal error. check_archive() call and file type of %s is OFILE_UNKNOWN !<arch> internal error. check_archive() call for file %s which does not have an archive magic string truncated or malformed (archive header of first member extends past the end of the file) malformed (ar_name: %.*s for archive extend format #1 starts with non-digit) malformed (size in ar_name: %.*s for archive extend format #1 overflows unsigned long) malformed (size in ar_name: %.*s for archive extend format #1 contains non-digit and non-space characters) truncated or malformed (archive name of member extends past the end of the file) is a fat file (not allowed in an archive) cputype (%d) does not match previous archive members cputype (%d) (all members must match) truncated or malformed object (load commands extend past the end of the file) struct nlist struct dylib_module struct nlist_64 struct dylib_module_64 malformed fat file (fat header architecture: %lu's cputype does not match object file's mach header) malformed object (load command %lu cmdsize not a multiple of %ld) truncated or malformed object (load command %lu extends past the end of the file) malformed object (load command %lu cmdsize is zero) LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB LC_REEXPORT_DYLIB malformed object (inconsistent cmdsize in LC_SEGMENT command %lu for the number of sections) truncated or malformed object (LC_SEGMENT command %lu fileoff field extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (LC_SEGMENT command %lu fileoff field plus filesize field extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (offset field of section %lu in LC_SEGMENT command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (offset field plus size field of section %lu in LC_SEGMENT command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (reloff field of section %lu in LC_SEGMENT command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (reloff field plus nreloc field times sizeof(struct relocation_info) of section %lu in LC_SEGMENT command %lu extends past the end of the file) malformed object (inconsistent cmdsize in LC_SEGMENT_64 command %lu for the number of sections) truncated or malformed object (LC_SEGMENT_64 command %lu fileoff field extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (LC_SEGMENT_64 command %lu fileoff field plus filesize field extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (offset field of section %lu in LC_SEGMENT_64 command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (offset field plus size field of section %lu in LC_SEGMENT_64 command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (reloff field of section %lu in LC_SEGMENT_64 command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (reloff field plus nreloc field times sizeof(struct relocation_info) of section %lu in LC_SEGMENT_64 command %lu extends past the end of the file) malformed object (more than one LC_SYMTAB command) malformed object (LC_SYMTAB command %lu has incorrect cmdsize) truncated or malformed object (symoff field of LC_SYMTAB command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (symoff field plus nsyms field times sizeof(%s) of LC_SYMTAB command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (stroff field of LC_SYMTAB command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (stroff field plus strsize field of LC_SYMTAB command %lu extends past the end of the file) malformed object (more than one LC_DYSYMTAB command) malformed object (LC_DYSYMTAB command %lu has incorrect cmdsize) truncated or malformed object (tocoff field of LC_DYSYMTAB command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (tocoff field plus ntoc field times sizeof(struct dylib_table_of_contents) of LC_DYSYMTAB command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (modtaboff field of LC_DYSYMTAB command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (modtaboff field plus nmodtab field times sizeof(%s) of LC_DYSYMTAB command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (extrefsymoff field of LC_DYSYMTAB command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (extrefsymoff field plus nextrefsyms field times sizeof(struct dylib_reference) of LC_DYSYMTAB command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (indirectsymoff field of LC_DYSYMTAB command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (indirectsymoff field plus nindirectsyms field times sizeof(uint32_t) of LC_DYSYMTAB command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (extreloff field of LC_DYSYMTAB command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (extreloff field plus nextrel field times sizeof(struct relocation_info) of LC_DYSYMTAB command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (locreloff field of LC_DYSYMTAB command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (locreloff field plus nlocrel field times sizeof(struct relocation_info) of LC_DYSYMTAB command %lu extends past the end of the file) malformed object (more than one LC_ROUTINES command) malformed object (LC_ROUTINES command %lu has incorrect cmdsize) malformed object (more than one LC_ROUTINES_64 command) malformed object (LC_ROUTINES_64 command %lu has incorrect cmdsize) malformed object (more than one LC_TWOLEVEL_HINTS command) malformed object (LC_TWOLEVEL_HINTS command %lu has incorrect cmdsize) truncated or malformed object (offset field of LC_TWOLEVEL_HINTS command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (offset field plus nhints field times sizeof(struct twolevel_hint) of LC_TWOLEVEL_HINTS command %lu extends past the end of the file) malformed object (more than one LC_CODE_SIGNATURE command) malformed object (LC_CODE_SIGNATURE command %lu has incorrect cmdsize) truncated or malformed object (dataoff field of LC_CODE_SIGNATURE command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (dataoff field plus datasize field of LC_CODE_SIGNATURE command %lu extends past the end of the file) malformed object (more than one LC_SEGMENT_SPLIT_INFO command) malformed object (LC_SEGMENT_SPLIT_INFO command %lu has incorrect cmdsize) truncated or malformed object (dataoff field of LC_SEGMENT_SPLIT_INFO command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (dataoff field plus datasize field of LC_SEGMENT_SPLIT_INFO command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (datasize field of LC_SEGMENT_SPLIT_INFO command %lu is not a multple of %lu) malformed object (more than one LC_PREBIND_CKSUM command) malformed object (LC_PREBIND_CKSUM command %lu has incorrect cmdsize) malformed object (more than one LC_UUID command) malformed object (LC_UUID command %lu has incorrect cmdsize) malformed object (LC_SYMSEG command %lu has incorrect cmdsize) truncated or malformed object (offset field of LC_SYMSEG command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (offset field plus size field of LC_SYMTAB command %lu extends past the end of the file) LC_IDFVMLIB LC_LOADFVMLIB malformed object (%s command %lu has too small cmdsize field) truncated or malformed object (name.offset field of %s command %lu extends past the end of the file) LC_ID_DYLIB LC_LOAD_DYLIB malformed object (LC_SUB_FRAMEWORK command %lu has too small cmdsize field) truncated or malformed object (umbrella.offset field of LC_SUB_FRAMEWORK command %lu extends past the end of the file) malformed object (LC_SUB_UMBRELLA command %lu has too small cmdsize field) truncated or malformed object (sub_umbrella.offset field of LC_SUB_UMBRELLA command %lu extends past the end of the file) malformed object (LC_SUB_LIBRARY command %lu has too small cmdsize field) truncated or malformed object (sub_library.offset field of LC_SUB_LIBRARY command %lu extends past the end of the file) malformed object (LC_SUB_CLIENT command %lu has too small cmdsize field) truncated or malformed object (cleient.offset field of LC_SUB_CLIENT command %lu extends past the end of the file) malformed object (LC_PREBIND_DYLIB command %lu has too small cmdsize field) truncated or malformed object (name.offset field of LC_PREBIND_DYLIB command %lu extends past the end of the file) truncated or malformed object (linked_modules.offset field of LC_PREBIND_DYLIB command %lu extends past the end of the file) LC_ID_DYLINKER LC_LOAD_DYLINKER LC_UNIXTHREAD LC_THREAD malformed object (count not M68K_THREAD_STATE_REGS_COUNT for flavor number %u which is a M68K_THREAD_STATE_REGS flavor in %s command %lu) malformed object (count not M68K_THREAD_STATE_68882_COUNT for flavor number %u which is a M68K_THREAD_STATE_68882 flavor in %s command %lu) malformed object (count not M68K_THREAD_STATE_USER_REG_COUNT for flavor number %u which is a M68K_THREAD_STATE_USER_REG flavor in %s command %lu) malformed object (unknown flavor for flavor number %u in %s command %lu can't byte swap it) malformed object (count not PPC_THREAD_STATE_COUNT for flavor number %u which is a PPC_THREAD_STATE flavor in %s command %lu) malformed object (count not PPC_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT for flavor number %u which is a PPC_THREAD_STATE64 flavor in %s command %lu) malformed object (count not M88K_THREAD_STATE_GRF_COUNT for flavor number %u which is a M88K_THREAD_STATE_GRF flavor in %s command %lu) malformed object (count not M88K_THREAD_STATE_XRF_COUNT for flavor number %u which is a M88K_THREAD_STATE_XRF flavor in %s command %lu) malformed object (count not M88K_THREAD_STATE_USER_COUNT for flavor number %u which is a M88K_THREAD_STATE_USER flavor in %s command %lu) malformed object (count not M88110_THREAD_STATE_IMPL_COUNT for flavor number %u which is a M88110_THREAD_STATE_IMPL flavor in %s command %lu) malformed object (count not i386_THREAD_STATE_COUNT for flavor number %u which is a i386_THREAD_STATE flavor in %s command %lu) malformed object (count not i386_FLOAT_STATE_COUNT for flavor number %u which is a i386_FLOAT_STATE flavor in %s command %lu) malformed object (count not I386_EXCEPTION_STATE_COUNT for flavor number %u which is a i386_EXCEPTION_STATE flavor in %s command %lu) malformed object (count not x86_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT for flavor number %u which is a x86_THREAD_STATE64 flavor in %s command %lu) malformed object (count not HPPA_INTEGER_THREAD_STATE_COUNT for flavor number %u which is a HPPA_INTEGER_THREAD_STATE flavor in %s command %lu) malformed object (count not HPPA_FRAME_THREAD_STATE_COUNT for flavor number %u which is a HPPA_FRAME_THREAD_STATE flavor in %s command %lu) malformed object (count not HPPA_FP_THREAD_STATE_COUNT for flavor number %u which is a HPPA_FP_THREAD_STATE flavor in %s command %lu) malformed object (count not SPARC_THREAD_STATE_REGS_COUNT for flavor number %u which is a SPARC_THREAD_STATE_REGS flavor in %s command %lu) malformed object (count not SPARC_THREAD_STATE_FPU_COUNT for flavor number %u which is a SPARC_THREAD_STATE_FPU flavor in %s command %lu) malformed object (unknown cputype and cpusubtype of object and can't byte swap and check %s command %lu) truncated or malformed object (cmdsizefield of LC_IDENT command %lu extends past the end of the load commands) malformed object (LC_RPATH command %lu has too small cmdsize field) truncated or malformed object (path.offset field of LC_RPATH command %lu extends past the end of the file) malformed object (unknown load command %lu) truncated or malformed object (contains LC_DYSYMTAB load command without a LC_SYMTAB load command) truncated or malformed object (ilocalsym in LC_DYSYMTAB load command extends past the end of the symbol table) truncated or malformed object (ilocalsym plus nlocalsym in LC_DYSYMTAB load command extends past the end of the symbol table) truncated or malformed object (iextdefsym in LC_DYSYMTAB load command extends past the end of the symbol table) truncated or malformed object (iextdefsym plus nextdefsym in LC_DYSYMTAB load command extends past the end of the symbol table) truncated or malformed object (iundefsym in LC_DYSYMTAB load command extends past the end of the symbol table) truncated or malformed object (iundefsym plus nundefsym in LC_DYSYMTAB load command extends past the end of the symbol table) malformed object (init_module in LC_ROUTINES load command extends past the end of the module table) malformed object (init_module in LC_ROUTINES_64 load command extends past the end of the module table) malformed object (nhints in LC_TWOLEVEL_HINTS load command not the same as nundefsym in LC_DYSYMTAB load command) malformed object (inconsistent sizeofcmds field in mach header) ofile_specific_member() called on fat file: %s with a non-archive architecture or no architecture selected ofile_specific_member() called and file type of %s is OFILE_UNKNOWN internal error. ofile_specific_member() called but file does not have an archive magic string fat file truncated or malformed (fat_arch structs would extend past the end of the archive member) does not contain a member named: %s ofile_next_member() called on fat file: %s with a non-archive architecture or no architecture selected ofile_next_member() called and file type of %s is OFILE_UNKNOWN internal error. ofile_next_member() called but file does not have an archive magic string internal error. ofile_next_member() called but the ofile struct does not have an archive member selected truncated or malformed (archive header of next member extends past the end of the file) ofile_first_member() called on fat file: %s with a non-archive architecture or no architecture selected ofile_first_member() called and file type of %s is OFILE_UNKNOWN internal error. ofile_first_member() called but file does not have an archive magic string internal error. ofile_specific_arch() called but file is not a fat file or an archive with a fat member ofile_next_arch() called and file type of: %s is not a fat file ofile_first_arch() called and file type of: %s is not a fat file internal error. check_fat() call and file type of: %s is not OFILE_FAT fat file: %s malformed (contains zero architecture types) fat file: %s truncated or malformed (offset plus size of cputype (%d) cpusubtype (%d) extends past the end of the file) fat file: %s align (2^%u) too large for cputype (%d) cpusubtype (%d) (maximum 2^%d) fat file: %s offset: %u for cputype (%d) cpusubtype (%d)) not aligned on it's alignment (2^%u) fat file: %s contains two of the same architecture (cputype (%d) cpusubtype (%d)) can't determine the host architecture (specify an arch_flag or fix get_arch_from_host() ) fat file: %s does not contain architecture %s fat file: %s architecture %s is not an archive (object_name to ofile_map() can't be specified to be other than NULL) file: %s is not an archive (object_name to ofile_map() can't be specified to be other than NULL) object file: %s does not match specified arch_flag: %s passed to ofile_map() object file: %s(%.*s) does not match specified arch_flag: %s passed to ofile_map() archive file: %s objects do not match specified arch_flag: %s passed to ofile_map() file: %s is unknown type (arch_flag to ofile_map() can't be specified to be other than NULL) can't open file: %s can't stat file: %s can't map file: %s for architecture: %s archive: %s contains no members that are object files for architecture: %s archive: %s contains no members for architecture: %s file: %s is not an archive and thus does not contain member: %s for architecture: %s file: %s is not an object file file: %s does not contain architecture: %s archive: %s contains no members that are object files archive: %s contains no members file: %s is not an object file file: %s is not an archive and thus does not contain member: %s file: %s(%s) is not an object file cputype (1234567890) cpusubtype (1234567890) cputype (%d) cpusubtype (%d) __.SYMDEF %s%-*lu %-*ld (broken out from memory) file: %s(%.*s) file: %s (file written out to memory) no contents for file: %s (not created) %s: same symbol defined in more than one member in: %s (table of contents will not be sorted) defines symbol: %s __.SYMDEF SORTED #1/20 %-*s%-*ld%-*u%-*u%-*o%-*ld can't vm_allocate() buffer for output file: %s of size %lu warning library: %s for architecture: %s the table of contents is empty (no object file members in the library) warning for library: %s the table of contents is empty (no object file members in the library) internal error: swap_object_headers() failed can't create output file: %s can't get host sched info can't write output file: %s can't close output file: %s can't set the modifiy times in output file: %s can't vm_deallocate() buffer for output file file not in an order that can be processed (%s): malformed file (no __LINKEDIT segment): the __LINKEDIT segment does not cover the end of the file (can't be processed) in: local relocation entries out of place split info data out of place symbol table out of place local symbols out of place externally defined symbols out of place undefined symbols out of place hints table out of place external relocation entries out of place indirect symbol table out of place table of contents out of place module table out of place reference table out of place string table out of place code signature data out of place link edit information does not fill the __LINKEDIT segment string table not at the end of the file (can't be processed) in file: indirect symbol table does not directly preceed the string table (can't be processed) in file: symbol table does not directly preceed the indirect symbol table (can't be processed) in file: symbol table and string table not at the end of the file (can't be processed) in file: the __LINKEDIT segment does not cover the symbol and string table (can't be processed) in file: malformed file (more than one LC_SYMTAB load command): malformed file (more than one LC_DYSYMTAB load command): malformed file (more than one LC_TWOLEVEL_HINTS load command): malformed file (more than one LC_CODE_SIGNATURE load command): malformed file (more than one LC_SEGMENT_SPLIT_INFO load command): malformed file (more than one __LINKEDITsegment): malformed file (more than one LC_ID_DYLIB load command): malformed file (name.offset of load command %lu extends past the end of the load command): MH_DYLIB MH_DYLIB_STUB malformed file (no LC_ID_DYLIB load command in %s file): malformed file (LC_TWOLEVEL_HINTS load command present without an LC_DYSYMTAB load command): malformed file (LC_TWOLEVEL_HINTS load command's nhints does not match LC_DYSYMTAB load command's nundefsym): .framework/ Versions/ .dylib .qtx PowerPC cpusubtype 1234567890 PowerPC cpusubtype %u VEO cpusubtype 1234567890 VEO cpusubtype %u Intel family 12 model 12345678 Intel family %u model %u MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET sysctl for kern.osversion failed 10.%lu.%lu 10.5 unknown value returned by sysctl() for kern.osrelease: %s ignored (using %s) unknown -macosx_version_min parameter value: %s ignored (using %s) unknown MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET environment variable value: %s ignored (using %s) in particular: tile-type dockling-tile dashboard-tile spacer-tile recents-tile filestack-tile tile-data directory-tile EDIT: Removed some VERY long lines from the code-box that totally messed up the view of the page making it something near 6 times as wide. I have now attached a copy of the full strings dump Dock_9A559_Strings.txt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
5thAgent Posted December 15, 2007 Share Posted December 15, 2007 Wait, stacks functioned that way in 9a559? I have that version somewhere... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gray_hat Posted December 15, 2007 Author Share Posted December 15, 2007 Wait, stacks functioned that way in 9a559? I have that version somewhere... No, unfortunately they do not. I have read that the WWDC build did though. I do believe that the functionality is still there, but submerged; i.e. it's there, but we have no way of getting at it with what we know. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
5thAgent Posted December 15, 2007 Share Posted December 15, 2007 Do you want the WWDC build? I have it on a disc somewhere as well... Edit: I've zipped up the from 9a499 so you'll have something to work with. Hope it helps. It'll be downloadable until the 22nd, at which point, the link will no longer work. 9a466 Dock Extracted it using Pacifist. I really do hope this helps. I don't want to see Stacks go down in flames. Piles were a better idea though anyway... maybe Apple will take the hint... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Colonel Posted December 15, 2007 Share Posted December 15, 2007 How much you wanna bet 10.5.2 will bring this feature back? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gray_hat Posted December 16, 2007 Author Share Posted December 16, 2007 How much you wanna bet 10.5.2 will bring this feature back? That idea is not entirely out of the question. Arstechnia claims (that Hardmac claims) 10.5.2 will be "the largest and most important intermediate system update ever released by Apple." (Hmm, I think I have an idea for a new thread, "What do you expect or want in 10.5.2?") But I don't think I can wait that long. Also, since I don't feel like making a new topic for it, Rob Griffiths of Macworld and has a great article about hidden features in screen sharing over at the Macworld website (link) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gray_hat Posted December 16, 2007 Author Share Posted December 16, 2007 With the help of 5thagent's post, I have made some discoveries. Ok, I think I may be on the verge of discovering something here. Anyone know what a text representation of an alias might look like? I figured out how the structure of a filestack-tile's preferences entry looks. If someone can figure out how "/Applications/" becomes : AAAAAACWAAMAAQAAwz8MCQAASCsAAAAAAAx8rABG7JMAAMLxE5UAAAAACSD//gAAAAAAAAAA/////wABAAQADHysAA4AFgAKAFMAYQBmAGEAcgBpAC4AYQBwAHAADwAQAAcATABlAG8AcABhAHIAZAASABdBc BsaWNhdGlvbnMvU2FmYXJpLmFwcAAAEwABLwD//wAA (codebox to make it easier to copy/paste) then we may be able to do this. The way things are stored in the preferences file is as the path and what appears to be some oddball text representation of an alias to the file. This is the how you are able to move files and not break their link to the dock. <dict> <key>tile-data</key> <dict> <key>contents</key> <array> <dict> <key>alias</key> <data> AAAAAADEAAMAAQAAwz8MCQAASCsA AAAAAAx8rQAOPMwAAMMdAtEAAAAA CSD//gAAAAAAAAAA/////wABAAgA DHytAAx8rAAOACwAFQBDAG8AbABv AHIAUwB5AG4AYwAgAFUAdABpAGwA aQB0AHkALgBhAHAAcAAPABAABwBM AGUAbwBwAGEAcgBkABIALEFwcGxp Y2F0aW9ucy9VdGlsaXRpZXMvQ29s b3JTeW5jIFV0aWxpdHkuYXBwABMA AS8A//8AAA== </data> <key>file-label</key> <string>ColorSync Utility</string> <key>file-type</key> <integer>41</integer> <key>guid</key> <integer>1963672788</integer> </dict> <dict> <key>alias</key> <data> AAAAAADKAAMAAQAAwz8MCQAASCsA AAAAAAx8rQANuPUAAMMdAjMAAAAA CSD//gAAAAAAAAAA/////wABAAgA DHytAAx8rAAOADAAFwBCAG8AbwB0 ACAAQwBhAG0AcAAgAEEAcwBzAGkA cwB0AGEAbgB0AC4AYQBwAHAADwAQ AAcATABlAG8AcABhAHIAZAASAC5B cHBsaWNhdGlvbnMvVXRpbGl0aWVz L0Jvb3QgQ2FtcCBBc3Npc3RhbnQu YXBwABMAAS8A//8AAA== </data> <key>file-label</key> <string>Boot Camp Assistant</string> <key>file-type</key> <integer>41</integer> <key>guid</key> <integer>1963672789</integer> </dict> <dict> <key>alias</key> <data> AAAAAADWAAMAAQAAwz8MCQAASCsA AAAAAAx8rQAOQeoAAMMyD0kAAAAA CSD//gAAAAAAAAAA/////wABAAgA DHytAAx8rAAOADgAGwBCAGwAdQBl AHQAbwBvAHQAaAAgAEYAaQBsAGUA IABFAHgAYwBoAGEAbgBnAGUALgBh AHAAcAAPABAABwBMAGUAbwBwAGEA cgBkABIAMkFwcGxpY2F0aW9ucy9V dGlsaXRpZXMvQmx1ZXRvb3RoIEZp bGUgRXhjaGFuZ2UuYXBwABMAAS8A //8AAA== </data> <key>file-label</key> <string>Bluetooth File Exchange</string> <key>file-type</key> <integer>41</integer> <key>guid</key> <integer>1963672790</integer> </dict> <dict> <key>alias</key> <data> AAAAAADCAAMAAQAAwz8MCQAASCsA AAAAAAx8rQAOO10AAMMc81AAAAAA CSD//gAAAAAAAAAA/////wABAAgA DHytAAx8rAAOACoAFABBAHUAZABp AG8AIABNAEkARABJACAAUwBlAHQA dQBwAC4AYQBwAHAADwAQAAcATABl AG8AcABhAHIAZAASACtBcHBsaWNh dGlvbnMvVXRpbGl0aWVzL0F1ZGlv IE1JREkgU2V0dXAuYXBwAAATAAEv AP//AAA= </data> <key>file-label</key> <string>Audio MIDI Setup</string> <key>file-type</key> <integer>41</integer> <key>guid</key> <integer>1963672791</integer> </dict> <dict> <key>alias</key> <data> AAAAAAC+AAMAAQAAwz8MCQAASCsA AAAAAAx8rQAM1HsAAMLpAEEAAAAA CSD//gAAAAAAAAAA/////wABAAgA DHytAAx8rAAOACgAEwBBAGkAcgBQ AG8AcgB0ACAAVQB0AGkAbABpAHQA eQAuAGEAcABwAA8AEAAHAEwAZQBv AHAAYQByAGQAEgAqQXBwbGljYXRp b25zL1V0aWxpdGllcy9BaXJQb3J0 IFV0aWxpdHkuYXBwABMAAS8A//8A AA== </data> <key>file-label</key> <string>AirPort Utility</string> <key>file-type</key> <integer>41</integer> <key>guid</key> <integer>1963672792</integer> </dict> <dict> <key>alias</key> <data> AAAAAADCAAMAAQAAwz8MCQAASCsA AAAAAAx8rQAOOXoAAMMjimkAAAAA CSD//gAAAAAAAAAA/////wABAAgA DHytAAx8rAAOACoAFABBAGMAdABp AHYAaQB0AHkAIABNAG8AbgBpAHQA bwByAC4AYQBwAHAADwAQAAcATABl AG8AcABhAHIAZAASACtBcHBsaWNh dGlvbnMvVXRpbGl0aWVzL0FjdGl2 aXR5IE1vbml0b3IuYXBwAAATAAEv AP//AAA= </data> <key>file-label</key> <string>Activity Monitor</string> <key>file-type</key> <integer>41</integer> <key>guid</key> <integer>1963672793</integer> </dict> </array> <key>label</key> <string>Activity Monitor Stack</string> </dict> <key>tile-type</key> <string>filestack-tile</string> </dict> If anyone has any insight, that would be wonderful. I am going to make a bunch of stacks, duplicate the preferences files, and restore the current version of the dock from time machine. EDIT: Nope, it doesn't work. Really quite a shame. On the positive side, I think I can get folder stacks to work on the Applications side by simply moving it over in Pref Setter. Here's to hoping that 10.5.2 gives us back our stacks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
5thAgent Posted June 11, 2008 Share Posted June 11, 2008 Resurrect! I can't understand why the community would give up on this one... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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